The TENDO E compact hydraulic expansion toolholder with simultaneous taper and flat work surface closes the interface-related gap between tool flange and the front of the machine spindle with the interface of the flat work surface.Advantages – Your benefits
High torque for maximum volume cuttingIts compact design ensures high holding forces and thus a high torque transmission
Fine-balanced by default
Suitable for high RPM and HPC/HSC machining centers, with a balancing grade of G2.5 at 25,000 RPM
High degree of flexibility
Clamping of different diameters due to the use of slotted or coolant-proof intermediate sleeves
Excellent vibration damping
Micro-blowouts are prevented, best workpiece surfaces, machine spindle protection, increased tool service life resulting in cost reductions
Permanent run-out and repeat accuracy ≤ 0.003 mm
Even cutting action, increased tool service life, and reduced costs for regrinding or buying new tools
Micron precise tool change in seconds without peripheral equipment
Time saving through reduction of set-up time and no investment and energy costs due to additional clamping devices
Dirt grooves for reliable torque transmission
Dry clamping surfaces, by displacement of oil, grease or lubricant residues into the dirt groove
Broad compatibility
Can be ideally combined with TENDO SVL and TRIBOS SVL extensions
High radial rigidity
No lateral deflection during the metal cutting process and high shape accuracy of the workpiece combined with optimum removal rates (e.g. 400 cm³/min for 42CrMo4)
All commercially available tool shank types can be clamped
Form A: with smooth cylindrical shank, shank form A in accordance with DIN 1835 and DIN 6535 HA
Form AB: with flat face and cylindrical shank with pulling face, shank form B in accordance with DIN 1835 and DIN 6535 HB
Form B: with lateral pulling faces, shank form B in accordance with DIN 1835
Form E: with inclined clamping face, shank form E in accordance with DIN 1835 and DIN 6535 HE
Options and special information
Flexible clamping areas due to the use of intermediate sleevesIntermediate sleeves allow clamping of various shank diameters from 3 - 32 mm with just one toolholder.
Your advantage: Reduction of the acquisition costs, higher clamping force at the given shank diameter.
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